Tool’s Into Math
Or at least their music would seem to suggest as such…
Here’s a link to an article about how the Fibonacci sequence figures prominently in the album Lateralus, by Tool.
This is definitely one my favorite albums of all time. Tool made so many leaps on Lateralus. It was if they had matured ten years in one.
Lateralus was the album that I learned to count rhythm to. I remember being obsessed with hearing what time signature they were using at different points in the arrangements.
It does not surprise me to find that Lateralus is full of mathematical patterns. Apparently, the Fibonacci sequence plays a major, thematic role in Lateralus. I’m glad that the Fibonacci sequence is highlighted.
Manneristic music usually sounds halting; atonal; restricted; confined; So I credit Tool with their choice of which mathematical mystery to embrace. The Fibonacci sequence sounds so natural, and flowing. Sounds hippy, but it’s true.
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